Adcom GTP-400 Repair Service

The service covers any repair of Adcom GTP-400 tuner preamplifier.
Typical problems:
bad channel, bad volume tone switching controls, bad mode switches, pops, distortions, no power, turns off by itself, static, tuner problem no FM etc.

The service will not cover water damaged, fire damaged, DIY units, unit with mechanical damages and missing components.


Customize this repair by adding some options
$75 Electrolytic capacitors partial upgrade
Replace electrolytic capacitors in power supply and other critical areas. Note: not all caps will be replaced.
Return Shipping or pickup:
If you like us to ship repaired unit back to you please type your USA ZIP code to calculate return shipping
If you like to pickup repaired unit in person click this button

(To continue please select pickup or shipping option above)

if you have a question about this service.